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Skill-Up, Match-Up (SUMU)

The Skill-Up, Match-Up (SUMU), implemented by HimmaBI and Al Moltaqa Goodness and Development in partnership with SPARK and funded by the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development,
aims to enhance employability and entrepreneurial skills among youth in Lebanon, specifically through job market-driven curricula and internships. The project addresses significant gaps in labor market requirements and the skill levels of graduates, particularly amid the economic challenges in Lebanon.

Project Description

The Lebanese job market faces significant challenges due to a mismatch between academic outcomes and market requirements, worsened by economic instability. This project is structured to address these challenges by creating educational and job opportunities through targeted curriculum development, training, and internships. Al-Moltaqa, in partnership with SPARK, works with universities and local companies to place students in internships and guide them through their initial employment phases, intending to secure long-term positions and self-employment.


The project employs a multi-faceted approach:

  1. Needs Assessment: Two Technical Needs Assessments (TNAs) were conducted to analyze labor market requirements and skills gaps.
  2. Curriculum Development: New curricula were designed to bridge identified skill gaps and include training in both technical and soft skills.
  3. Training of Trainers (ToT): Capacity-building sessions for university trainers to implement the updated curricula effectively.
  4. Student Enrollments and Placements: Enrolled students participate in job skill training, internships, and mentoring.
  5. Monitoring and Evaluation: Regular reports and surveys assess progress, with the program continually adjusted based on findings.


  1. Skill-Up Phase: The initial stage focused on classroom and online training sessions across diverse skill areas. This phase allowed participants to acquire technical and professional skills, including specialized certifications.
  2. Match-Up Phase: Students began internships with partner companies, guided by mentors to gain practical experience and adapt to workplace environments.
  3. Placement and Employment Phase: Al-Moltaqa facilitated job placements based on performance during internships, with continued support and intervention to resolve employer-employee challenges.
  4. Follow-Up Phase: Continual tracking of employment outcomes ensures that training aligns with current job market demands.


  • Training and Placement: 92 students successfully placed in internships, with many transitioning to employment.
  • Curriculum Development: Two job-market-aligned curricula were created and implemented.
  • Certificates Awarded: A total of 903 certifications in various competencies were awarded to enhance employability.
  • Positive Social Impact: The project has improved employability for youth and empowered marginalized groups, especially refugees and women.

Our Impact in Numbers



The SPARK-Al-Moltaqa partnership has significantly contributed to addressing Lebanon’s youth unemployment challenge by equipping graduates with essential skills. Despite economic hardships, the project has achieved a sustainable impact, fostering a more skilled and employable workforce in Lebanon.

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